Redux fetch

Redux Fetch





This basic example renders a single text input which prompts for a GitHub username. When the user submits the form (either by clicking the button or pressing return), it dispatches a plain action to Redux.


Inside the Refract aperture, two observables are observed: the USER_REQUEST action, and the getUsers selector. Every time an action with the type USER_REQUEST is dispatched to the store, it is passed to the stream; every time the users object in the redux store changes, it is also passed to the stream.

These two streams are combined into one combined$ - each time anything is sent to either stream, this new stream emits a new tuple containing the most recent value from both source streams.

This combined stream is piped through various methods in two separate control flows: requests for users whose data is not yet in redux are mapped to a fetch request, with error handling built in; requests for users whose data is already in the store are mapped to a selectUser action.


The Refract handler inspects the type of each effect, and causes different effects for different action types. If the effect is an error, it logs the effect; if the effect is either a USER_RECEIVE or a USER_SELECT effect, it is dispatched to the store.


The end result is a form with some complex conditional, asynchronous logic built in an easily maintainable way.

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