Rendering Components

Refract has built-in effect handlers:

  • To pass additional props, or replace props (see Pushing to props)

  • To render components

Pushing Elements

Rendering components can be seen as the natural continuation of pushing props: instead of pushing props to a child component, we push elements! This effectively enables you to handle React in a fully reactive manner, from source to component.

Like with Pushing to props, it enables you to handle state by projecting it to components. Under the hood, Refract checks if a value emitted by your aperture is a valid element (React, Preact or Inferno) and renders it if it is.

The BaseComponent you supply to withEffects can be used as a placeholder (for example a loader) if your aperture doesn't synchronously emit an element to be rendered. If no base component is supplied, null will be rendered initially.

Below is the same counter example, pushing elements rather than props:

import React from 'react'
import { withEffects } from 'refract-rxjs'
import { scan, startWith, map } from 'rxjs/operators'

const Counter = ({ count, addOne }) => <button onClick={addOne}>{count}</button>

const aperture = (component, { initialCount }) => {
    const [addOneEvents$, addOne] = component.useEvent('addOne')

    return addOneEvents$.pipe(
            count: initialCount,
        scan(({ count, ...props }) => ({
            count: count + 1

export default withEffects(aperture)()

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